About Us
Hey, there!!!
Ain't God Good?
"I had a dream that turned into a vision which manifested into reality. And- all it took was faith and a "can do" attitude to get started. " --Dr. M.

My name is Dr. Michelle "Candy" Edwards, and I am the Owner of Candy Jewels. For many years, I have had the desire to start a jewelry business. I have always envisioned a collection of jewelry made of 10-karat, 14-karat, and 18-karat gold with engraved scriptures. I also knew it would be costly to start the jewelry business and would require me to focus my time and energy on that “one thing”. For a while, I was also concerned about what other people would think because most people are known for the “one thing” they do --- a career: a nurse, a teacher, a baker, an accountant, a lawyer, a mother, a marketing executive, a secretary, or a realtor, etc. I have never specialized in any one thing. I have always dared to be different, dared to take risks, and dared to try new things. I follow my heart wherever it leads me and for many people that makes them very uncomfortable. But-- for me, that makes me happy. I use my natural and God-given gifts as an Author, Podcaster, Realtor, Entrepreneur, Social Justice Advocate, and College Professor. Yup! I use all my gifts for the Glory of God and to make deposits into the world around me. Who says we must only use one gift God has given us to do one thing?
Many of us have accepted people’s opinions about our own abilities. We have allowed people, culture, and society to tell us what we can and cannot do. Many of us are trapped under the fear of people. I am glad God delivered me from people. As I relentlessly pursue my purpose and the desires of my heart, it is important to me to do everything that I have written on paper – my bucket list. Dr. Myles Munroe, my favorite Pastor and Teacher of all time, said “The wealthiest place on earth is the cemetery. Buried in the cemetery are paintings never painted, unwritten poetry, music no one has ever heard, unwritten books, unwritten songs, businesses that never opened, and ideas, visions, and dreams that were never executed.” Dr. Myles Munroe suggested that when we die, we should die empty. When I die, I will die empty! To die empty, I had to ditch my corporate job in search of financial freedom to pursue the things that interest me. Otherwise, I was going to be trapped in a 9-5 job trading time for money in which the return on investment was no time, no freedom, and to die broke. One of the dangers of dedicating your entire adult life to a job or a business or any one thing for that matter is life’s uncertainties. As a single Mom and entrepreneur, I have experienced the financial, emotional, and physical implications of putting all my eggs in one basket. Whether you have faith or not, life is filled with many uncertainties, and we can expect challenging times even if we plan well. That is why the Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 11:2 that we need 8 streams of income and to divide our investments among many places because we do not know what risks might lie ahead. Wisdom and insight have taught me to create options for myself and to take advantage of opportunities.
I believe timing is everything. So, when the opportunity to start a jewelry business was presented, I took advantage of it. I saw an opportunity to offer beautiful women around the world beautiful jewelry without the costs. Most of us like nice things. I know I do. Jewelry is one of those things I love. I love how it looks and feels on me. A beautiful accessory can change the look of an entire outfit. It reflects one’s style and personality. Both custom and fine jewelry can be out of reach for some people, the price tag can be off-putting for others, and often is not a financial priority for some. Some of us buy jewelry because it makes us happy, we want to reward ourselves for working, we want to feel a sense of accomplishment or a sense of belonging, a self-esteem booster, or to purchase it to show off to others.
I was one of those people who wanted to reward myself for working hard and to feel a sense of accomplishment. I would absolutely forego a luxury purchase than treat myself to a product that was not authentic. Like many people, I believed higher-priced goods are better quality or more durable. Wisdom has taught me that similar or like quality goods have the same durability and quality, if not better. I believe it is psychological --- the thing we tell ourselves! I can purchase a $10.00 white cotton t-shirt from Target and pair it with blue jeans, a belt, and nice pair of shoes and make the t-shirt look like I paid $50 bucks for it. Candy Jewels is the same concept. You can buy something new, beautiful, and inexpensive and pair it with something equally as beautiful, made of quality, and expensive. And—voila!
Candy Jewels offers a wide range of high-quality, custom-made stainless steel and 18-karat gold plated jewelry to suit your taste without compromising style. Each piece has been made with love and quality craftsmanship. We guarantee that you will get the most value out of your purchase and with proper care can last a long time. And—that’s not all. Ten percent of annual sales will be donated to local homeless ministries in my quest to help end homelessness. Those donations will be posted to the website quarterly. You can read more about my passion to end homelessness in my soon-to-be-published book “How Faith Found Me”.
So, indulge in something special for yourself or those you love, and partner with me to help end homelessness. Treat yourself. You will be glad you did!